Our Years

The years fly past so quickly, and often it become hard to put a year to a series of events. Listed below are (in a state of ongoing work) a list of the years of our lives, and the key events that stood out for us as a family...

"The year of Tina's weighloss, Evie's first year at High school and when we all went on a cruise to Fiji for Tina's 50th"   (2023)

"The year Paul becomes a DP, Evie sings in the last days of primary, Tina has her surgery and Lucas ......"   (2022)

"The year of the vaccine, more lockdowns, The Peninsular and our 21st anniversay"   (2021)

"The year of the lock-down, Tina's First School, and the NZ trip"  (2020)

"The year that Raven joined our family, Tina and her mum broke their bones, and the Pohutakawa Tree, Tina’s cruise with her mum and the big family Cruise" (2019)

 "The year of the fallen pine tree, the family colour run, when Tina did the solo trips with each of the kids, and when we committed to Lake Rotoiti" (2018)

"The year Lucas started school, his superhero party, the granny-flat kitchen, Paul Tongarero walk, and we all went to Raratonga" (2017)

"The year Poppa passed away, Paul performed in Seussical, the camping at Papamoa, we got the spa pool, the family went to their first Armageddon and the airing of the TV show" (2016)

"The year Evie started school, her frozen 5th birthday, camping at blue lakes, the last two rounds of IVF, of the Inconceivable TV documentary and our trip to the Gold Coast with kids" (2015)

"The year of the Farmstead, Tina’s new DP job, Footrot flats and the award won by Evie, Lucas and the box" (2014)

"The year Tina left weymouth and we all went to the Fijian island" (2013)

"The year that Lucas Taylor was born and stared in an award winning film" (2012)

"The year of the Second Pregnancy" (2011)

"The year that Evelyn Taylor was born" (2010)

"The year of IVF and the First Pregnancy, and the last glass" (2009)

“Paul started working at School for Deaf, Tina became an AP and and we got approved for IVF work waiting list” (2008)

"The year Paul got his Post-graduate and worked at the hauted house" (2007)

"The year Paul worked at Glenbrook and Pukekohe, and we lived in Waiuku" (2006)

"The year we returned; and of Buddy and our First Home" (2005) 

"The year we were Antipodeans, travelling evry break; Iceland, Europe and Africa." (2004)

"The year we both got super fit in Cricklewood, and all of the friends we still have" (2003)

"The year we toured England and Ireland, and Oliver Twist" (2002)

"The year we went to Disneyland Paris and lived in westham"  (2001) 

"The year of our Las Vegas Wedding and our adventures across the westerm states" (2000)

"The year we traveled across the world, and began teaching in East London" (1999) 

"The year we worked and saved hard for London”  (1998)

"The year we moved in together (1997)

"The year Paul met Tina"  (1996)